Graham and Doddsville Winter 2015 issue
Recent coverage of Buffett in the FT on the upcoming 50th anniversary letter: (i) article on Buffett (ii) video on Buffett and (iii) Seth Klarman on what he learned from Buffett
Forbes on Li Ka-shing's recent corporate reshuffle
Podcasts: Tom Russo on China (BeyondProxy) and Jean-Marie Eveillard (Wealthtrack)
Great interview with Jeroen Bos (5GQ)
Continued series on accounting fraud in Asia (BeyondProxy)
Mark Mobius' post on Greece
Great posts from Farnam Street on (i) decision making and (ii) influencing others
Value investing and the virtue of being lazy (undervaluedjapan)
Bruce Berkowitz's recent investor call (ValueWalk)