Sunday, 11 January 2015


Happy new year to everyone. Over the holidays I got through a fair amount of books, interviews, articles etc and wanted to post a selection of those below. Stock write ups will follow shortly.

Videos and interviews
Arnold Van Den Berg and his dream
Five Good Questions interview with Larry Cunningham, Mohnish Pabrai and Guy Spier (part 1 and part 2)
Mohnish Pabrai, Guy Spier and Michael Shearn on checklists
Mohnish Pabrai interview at the ET Value Investing Summit
The Investor Podcast interviews Guy Spier (part 1 and part 2)
Recap videos from Third Avenue's 2014 Value Conference

If you haven't seen it yet, there is a great documentary on Sir John Templeton called Contrarian

How to spot a liar (TED)
Want to be happy? Be grateful (TED)
The benefits of a good night's sleep (TED)
Xi Chen on keeping up with the Joneses in China

Articles, presentations and blog posts
Aswath Damodaran's post on the oil price fallout
The best (and worst) investments they ever made (WSJ)
Porsche: The hedge fund that also made cars
Byron Trott: The billionaires' banker (Fortune)
Harris Kupperman's great three part series on the oil price fallout (part 1, part 2 and part 3; part 4 to come soon hopefully)
Bloomberg on Bill Ackman's 2014 performance
Mark Mobius' 2015 EM outlook
Cook and Bynum travel journals on Peru and Bolivia

Survival in the Asian capital markets (brilliant presentation!)

Bruce Lee on self actualisation (Farnam Street)
Fortune interviews Pixar's Ed Catmull
A dozen things I learned from Steve Jobs (25iq)

Shake Shack is going public
SEC filings, DealBook article and FT article

Li Ka-shing is reshuffling his empire
FT coverage on the story
Cheung Kong's press release and slides